
By |Published On: July 5, 2023|Categories: Europe, Svalbard|139 words|0 Comments|

After a long-long sleep, we awoke the next morning to the sounds of walrus blows. Our friend was still feeding around Yuma! And over the next 48 hours, before the wind let up outside in Isfjorden, we had one or two walruses feeding with us in the hamna most of the time. Ankerhamna has now become Walrushamna in our minds.


When we finally left, our walrus had hauled himself* out onto a sand spit at the northern end of the bay and lay, apparently exhausted by his feeding exertions, sprawled out on the beach his head propped up on his tusks.


*It was most likely a ‘him’, as male walrus apparently like to hang out in western Svalbard. Whereas females and young walrus are found in northern and eastern Svalbard. Only walrus know why this is so.


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Icebergs, glass-outs and walrus