Our first pile of rocks
More tidal streams Our departure from Lézardrieux was an early-ish one with lines dropped at 0600 to ensure that we caught the best of [...]
Bagad, kouign-amann and la Roche-Jagu
Hiding in Lézardrieux Our next stop was Lézardrieux, a scant 5 nm to the south east from île-de-Bréhat. Here we planned to stop for [...]
Heading west along the Breton coast
From Granville we headed west again, hopping along the Breton coast. A brief stop in the small harbour town of St-Cast was sufficient for [...]
A little detour to Granville
Back to Îles Chausey After our slightly traumatic but impressive visit to Mont Saint-Michel, our next stop was an overnighter back out at the [...]
A visit to Mont Saint-Michel
The most visited site outside of Paris Just a short bus ride away from Saint-Malo is Mont Saint-Michel, a place that ranks highly amongst [...]
The spectacular walled city of Saint-Malo
A bit of history The fantastically fortified port city of Saint-Malo lies some 20 nm south-west of Iles de Chausey. While it has no [...]
Anchoring in very big tides
Les Îles Chausey The Îles Chausey are a swarm of small islands, skerries and rocks that lie roughly 30 nm south of Carteret. Many [...]
Sailing into seriously tidal seas
Our next passage plan was ‘around Cap de la Hague to somewhere on the western side of the Contentin Peninsula, possibly Diélette’. How very [...]
Two invasions in one day
Off to Bayeux by train By train Bayeux is an hour or so through low hilly countryside from Cherbourg. Here we intended to pay [...]
The French markets
Fruit and veggies with flavour! Also in Cherbourg, whilst looking for a boulangerie (bakery) for croissants and baguettes, we ran into our first marché [...]