Villa to Husbysjøen

By |Published On: June 5, 2023|Categories: Europe, Norway|272 words|0 Comments|

Morning in Villa brought sunshine on the skerries, white-tailed eagles, common gulls, herring gulls and common terns. The buildings along the waterfront looked slightly less weather worn and foreboding in the sunshine, but still just a little bit creepy. Off on the promontory to the north a few sheep grazed in the bright green grass adjacent to a few farm buildings. But still not a soul to be seen.


We motored out through the winding channel to open water and then hoisted our sails and headed north again with the breeze on our port quarter. We rounded the eastern side of a huge shoal area before a long final run up the fjord into Rørvik. Not much to say about Rørvik other than it has a blue and green wrap on its bridge pylons and, from the water, looked like a pleasant and busy town with a nice common gull colony on an island in the centre.


On the other side of Rørvik we were again in an area where the mountains were close to the sea and where there was enough soil for forest in the gullies and some low beech cover elsewhere. When we say, the mountains were close to the sea, we mean they come straight up, steeply, out of the sea.


With no wind, motoring was the order of the evening and we headed to a pleasant anchorage a few hours north, Husbysjøen. This was a sandy bay inside a fish farm and surrounded by farmland. Not bad and with lovely views across the leia to the mountains on the mainland.

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Lysøysund to Villa
Husbysjøen to Ylvingen