
By |Published On: May 25, 2023|Categories: Europe, Norway|142 words|4 Comments|

We wanted to be here for 2 days to sort out things. In the end it was three days as propane and Customs seemed to constantly elude us. Anyway, Bergen is one of our favourite places (well the central part at least, we haven’t seen too much of the rest) so this was hardly a trial.


Good coffee at the same place up the hill that we frequented 6 years ago. Cinnamon buns (skillingsboller) about which we disagree (I don’t think they are as good as the UBC buns, Frederieke thinks they are and possibly even better).


Beautiful old wooden buildings mixed with not so beautiful Scandie winter post-war concrete and 19th C brick buildings. Fit, young people everywhere. The sea, the city, the grey and the rain, it all feels very much like Vancouver, our old home. Love it.


  1. Meaghan June 21, 2023 at 9:35 am - Reply

    Think we might have to go back to UBC to confirm Cin.bun status Dave. From your pics Bergen looks ‘quainter’ than Vancouver, but great to hear it’s got the same fabulous vibe!

  2. Matt Westcott June 21, 2023 at 10:21 am - Reply

    fantastic Frederieke and Dave, love the commentary and photos, more photos would be even better 🙂

    • Frederieke June 21, 2023 at 6:15 pm - Reply

      We’ll do less text and more photos as we go!

  3. Robin June 21, 2023 at 11:25 am - Reply

    Shall enjoy logging in and discovering details of the Yuma adventure.

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Klepperholmen to Bergen
Bergen to Vikingsvågen